Saturday, March 22, 2014

It's been awhile.............

Yeah I know. I promised to update my blog every week but I happen to break that promise. Well I guess that's what promises are for. haha. Just kidding and I'm sorry for not being around. It has been a tough months for me and it's just hard for me to update every now and then with a lot of things going on.

Fighting for future is really tough especially when you don't know where to start. I know where I'm going just that it's hard to start over again. Well I haven't started anything yet. 

Waking up everyday is like an everyday battle that I have to fight for it. There were times that my future is in someone else hands and there were times that I just wanna stop and give up. Then I will realize that the world will not stop just because I feel so hopeless it will continue to revolve around the sun and days will become weeks, weeks will become months, and months will become years and I will still be on this same shit. Giving up is never a good idea and how can I do that when I have a wonderful family backing me up every step of the way. I am very grateful to have such wonderful parents and siblings every night that I cry myself to sleep they have been my strength. I love them so much to infinity and beyond. 

Future is something so hard to deal with especially when you put it on hold for a long time but future is future it's either you make things happen or you let things happen. As for myself I am making it happen. 

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